weight loss per week , mct slim drink

 weight loss per week , mct slim drink 

Hello everyone, how are you today?

I bring a new video and information


mct slim drink, virtual

I'll go to the tips and advice section

to take ten steps 10 tips to

get off those kilos that we

leftover and join a healthier style and

more active which is what we promote in

virtual gym when we need to lose

weight because we have a few kilos to spare

we are overweight obesity we are

conscious and we want to get down to

the work

it is not enough to lower the number of the

scale you have to lose fat tissue that

we have leftovers and not muscle or fluid to

unless it is not what we need it

important is to lose weight, but

quality so as not to be recovered and

now that you know what to do

well if I ask you how long

do you want to lose weight, many of you will tell me

tomorrow for two weeks

for now it is very good to want to lose

weight in the shortest time because you have to

do it without affecting our health

being realistic and having a vision

overall for health it is recommended to lose

about 900 grams a week, but that

it will also depend on each case

therefore, wanting to lose that fat that

we have plenty of it is a fabulous idea, but there is

than to get them down without affecting

our health and acquiring some habits

May they be forever the method that

we use in virtual gym to get

healthier habits and

consequences will be losing weight and having

more energy have two pillars

fundamental one is feeding the

another is sport and for what

these two things support there is the

motivation and facilitating habits

Having said this, I do not roll up any more and we go with

the 10 steps or tips to do

exercise 3-6 days a week

an average of 30 minutes being able to do

one day 10 minutes and the other 10 50

minutes the important thing is the sum of the

whole week exercise is also

important to have better results

combine strength training with

cardio exercise and doing the exercise

suitable for your level if you want to go

faster I advise you to do the

monthly calendars because that's the way you do

the exercise that touches you all

weeks and you take the commitment too

you can combine cardio exercise

the exercise that you do

usually with my routines to

complement and make it much more

complete make your day to day more

moved move to the maximum this will help you

to lose weight because you will spend more

calories for example if you open 700 steps

you can spend between 300 and 350 extra

calories if you go up four floors you can

spend 50 extra calories and if you go out to

walking with your dog you can spend a few

55 calories taking care that you drink avoid

drinks that are not sugary or have

many calories such as

alcohol and drink two or three liters of water

a day the water does not make you lose your position

directly, but collaborates with the

circulation of retained liquids and

This is going to be very good for you, avoid the

fattening foods reduce salt

because, although it does not contain fat, it makes us

retaining a lot of fluid prevents

refined sugars, fried and fat

trans fats directly

we have to eliminate the ones that are

the buns contain the canned ones all

industrial products and fats

saturated must be reduced

we usually find them in

animal or dairy products lose weight

does not mean to go hungry but to eat

better you have to eat five meals

spread throughout the day that

dinners are lighter than meals and

breakfast and snacks both

mid-morning as mid-afternoon be

healthy and much better if you have everything

prepared because so not to peck when

you spend many hours without eating your body

it is put on the alarm and reserves and also

metabolism is much slower so

that this is not going to help us carry a

photographic control will help us go

seeing all the changes on the web

I explain how to do it step by step

correctly you have to think before

do the process, but always without

become obsessed and every week you

I advise that you think the same day to

the same time after going to the bathroom and

before breakfast you have to rest

between 7 and 9 hours a day because, although

don't believe it when we sleep

we strengthen the immune system and

This helps us lose weight in addition to

we relax and avoid stress and have

much more energy throughout the day

the organization is super important there

to come up with a plan so that everything is

easier and do not suffer the step by step

you have to say when we are going to cook

when are we going to go to the supermarket in what

now let's do the exercise if

you do everything correctly you have everything bmi  calculation is to get the measure of the body with the formula height and  weight the result of the this is the BMI  calculation

mct slim drink
